Well, she is. But she's also signed to star in the new British film "This Beautiful Fantastic," which was one of the entries on this year's Brit List.The picture, described as "a modern fairy tale," will be dir...
"G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra"(they might as well have just called it "G.I. Joe: Untitled Sequel Forthcoming") has gained an air of toxic mystique over the past few days.After all, this is a movie whose budget a...
From The Director Of "The Mummy" Oh yeah, now you're impressed.FilmSchoolRejects points us to the international trailer for "G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra," which begs two questions. Does "Wolverine" have compet...
Get your kung-fu action grip ready .
One of the last vestiges of the lame, pre-strike rushed-into-production bad ideas is the "G.I. Joe" movie so it's ironic and fitting that with the strike coming to a clos...