In an interview with MTV, hot-to-trot Jeremy Renner was asked about his upcoming role in 2012's "The Avengers." He plays Clint Barton, a marksman who goes from petty thief to gimmicky bow-and-arrow superhero as...
As the first pictures from "Thor," the first of next summer's two Marvel superhero flicks, appeared, our skepticism was sparked; was that really what they were wearing? But the buzz on the 5 minutes or so of fo...
So Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury character is the connective tissue that tethers all Marvel Studios' characters together that culminate in Joss Whedon's "The Avengers," yes?Well, yes, but he won't be appearing ...
Read it and weep. We gave "Iron Man 2" a shot and while some of us liked the film a bit better than our official review , most of us here at The Playlist can agree the picture was an overstuffed semi-mess with ...
Two years on from the release, and immense success of Jon Favreau's "Iron Man," expectations are very different for the sequel. Star Robert Downey Jr. is one of the biggest movie stars on the planet, the charac...