"Superman" finally has a director, Christopher Nolan's third "Batman" will film next year, and "Green Lantern" is in post-production — it looks like D.C. are finally stepping up to try and challenge Marvel, who...
"The Dark Knight" aside, Marvel have something of a monopoly on superhero movies at the moment, but rivals DC Comics have plans to change that, with "Jonah Hex" out in a couple of months (for better or worse......
It looks like DC Comics has a sense of humor. Batman, Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman and The Penguin are all set to feature, sort of, in the short "Robin's Big Speed Date" in the upcoming comedy omnibus film.Bas...
Jon Tenney ("The Closer") is set to play Martin H. Jordan, the Green Lantern's dad, "when he is a young boy, like, 11." In the comics (and possibly a spoiler for the movie), Hal wants to be a test pilot just li...
With WB's "Harry Potter" franchise about to come to a close, you've probably been wondering what's on our mind as well: how will Warner Bros. eat? Fear not, as they plan to fill this hole with some ambitious sp...
MTV's Splash Page talked to newly minted DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson, and while it was mostly a collection of "golly gee, we're really excited" platitudes, it did shed some light onto the goings on ...
We figured yesterday's colossal D.C. Comics-related news, that the former D.C. Comics brand would now become D.C. Entertainment, developing new material as well as adaptations in-house (comic books and their va...