We're back and still exhausted. Thanks to The Playlist scribes Astrud Sands and Gabe Toro for holding down the fort and Jonathan and Jared for their awesome soundtrack features and script reviews.Blame the lack...
Is this really the anorexically-thin excuse to get "Drag Me To Hell," Sam Raimi's new horror film, and its story mechanics going? A young, bank loan officer/ wannabe go-getter (Alison Loman) denies an old lady ...
-Is it true? Have the Weinsteins gotten so desperate that they are finally spinning off the most popular scene in their huge flop "Grindhouse?" Whispers around Hollywood suggest the Danny Trejo slice-and-dice...
Sick of sarcastic little doll-face Ellen Page? You might want to avoid the movie theaters for the next couple years as the breakout success of "Juno" has made it so that 20-year-old is being cast in every film ...