After dropping a thoroughly baffling teaser earlier in the month, Paramount wised up and have finally given us our first proper look at the Gore Verbinski animated film "Rango."For whatever inane reason, detail...
Um, what we did we just watch? This has to be by the far the most cryptic teaser for an animated children's film to be released in a long time.The Gore Verbinski-directed animated adventure has been flying unde...
Criterion announced their January slate this afternoon, and if its any indication of what 2010 has in store, we're all in for a massive treat and it should quiet the cinephiles stacking their spine numbers who'...
Bob Dylan rolls out a new video today promoting "Tell Tale Signs: The Bootleg Series Vol. 8" (Columbia). The video, starring David Lynch's second favorite withering old man Harry Dean Stanton ("Inland Empire," ...