Even though Nicole Kidman has a strong possibility for an Oscar nomination thanks to her excellent turn in the upcoming drama "Rabbit Hole," audiences haven't been flocking to her films, so its no surprise she'...
Imagine if we did a career retrospective on Joel Schumacher? God that could get ugly. The man has been correctly vilified for his two '90s "Batman" films ("Batman Forever" and "Batman & Robin") and laughed ...
After an audacious, thrilling performance in David Michod's "Animal Kingdom," actor Ben Mendelsohn has been added the cast of Joel Schumacher 's latest film "Trespass" with Nicholas Cage and Nicole Kidman.Cage ...
The Will Ferrell-Adam McKay teaming still works gangbusters. Each film they've teamed up for has done at least $85 million, with $30-something-million openings a virtual guarantee at this point. McKay doesn't s...
The dark underbelly of Upper East Side trust-fund children is exposed once again in “Twelve,” though with an added gimmick: we now see everything happening on an alien planet. Director Joel Schumacher hasn’t ma...