Last we heard, Lee Daniels' gestating civil rights story "Selma" seemed to be on its last legs. Despite lining up a cast that included Hugh Jackman, Liam Neeson, David Oyelowo, Ray Winstone, Robert De Niro, a...
For the better part of the year, "Precious" director Lee Daniels has been trying to bring his civil rights drama "Selma" to the big screen. With a cast lined up that included Hugh Jackman, Liam Neeson, David Oy...
Lee Daniels' upcoming civil rights drama, "Selma," based on the 1965 Selma-to-Montgomery marches, is now set to begin lensing this fall with The Weinstein Company circling a potential role as finance partners.O...
It's funny what an Oscar nomination can do for a guy. Following the Sundance success of, and subsequent awards glory for, "Precious: Based On The Novel 'Push' By Sapphire," it seems like the A-list are queuing ...
Lee Daniels has added another cast member to his developing film based on the Selma-to-Montgomery marches with British actor David Oyelowo set to portray the late Martin Luther King Jr.The relatively unknown ac...
Hugh Jackman has revealed to Vulture that he will in fact play the role of segregation enforcer Sheriff Jim Clark in Lee Daniels' upcoming civil-rights drama, "Selma."Clark gained worldwide attention for violen...