Kimber Myers’ Top 10 Films Of 2016

For a variety of reasons, 2016 marked my personal record for the most new films I've seen in any given year, which is simultaneously a triumph and a problem. More movies equals more choice, and I'm nothing if n...

The 25 Best Movie Music Moments Of 2016

Howard Hawks once defined a good movie as one with “three good scenes and no bad ones.” Whether or not you think he’s right — and he’s not massively wrong — it’s often the moments that make the movies for us, a...
13 Films To See In May 1

13 Films To See In May

Welcome dear readers to this month of May at the movies. And, you know, no big deal or anything, but we've also moved into a new home here at THEPLAYLIST.NET. So we hope you've had a look around already, or wil...