Six long years after filming wrapped on Kenneth Longergan's "Margaret," his long awaited follow up his 2000 acclaimed directorial debut "You Can Count On Me," will finally hit theaters in 2011 via Fox Searchlig...
The new year is upon us and January, like September, is typically a time for studios to scrape the bottom of the barrel while America recovers from the holidays and watches NFL playoffs. With last year's "Paul ...
Kudos to the L.A. Times, who this weekend produced a thorough piece on what's been going on with the latest film from writer-director Kenneth Lonergan ("You Can Count On Me"). Having wrapped in 2005, "Margaret...
In the near future, we plan to write a book titled "Valley of the Dull: An Insider's Look into Why Hollywood Can't Make Original Films anymore." Of course, "Das Reboot" wouldn't make a bad title either. Whateve...