Magnolia Pictures has picked up U.S. distribution rights to Max Winkler's directorial debut, "Ceremony," starring Michael Angarano and Uma Thurman.Executive produced by Jason Reitman ("Up in the Air"), the pict...
Employing similar symmetrical framing and tracking shots, classic rock soundtrack flourishes and quirky, fanciful characters, Max Winkler's directorial debut, "Ceremony" feels heavily indebted to the early work...
It looks like the wait for Steven Soderbergh's spy thriller "Haywire" might be a bit longer than expected. According to our sources, the tentatively scheduled January 2011 date will not go ahead as planned, as ...
The upcoming wedding dramedy, "Ceremony" starring Uma Thurman, Lee Pace ("Pushing Daisies"), Michael Angarano, Reece Thompson and Jake M. Johnson ("Paper Heart") will boast a score by Fruitbats singer/songwrite...