After dropping a thoroughly baffling teaser earlier in the month, Paramount wised up and have finally given us our first proper look at the Gore Verbinski animated film "Rango."For whatever inane reason, detail...
There's a lot riding on "Toy Story 3."After all, in 1995, the original "Toy Story," directed by John Lasseter and produced by the then postage-stamp-sized Northern California animation studio of Pixar (then bes...
Um, what we did we just watch? This has to be by the far the most cryptic teaser for an animated children's film to be released in a long time.The Gore Verbinski-directed animated adventure has been flying unde...
Filming begins tomorrow in Guthrie, New Mexico on "The Killer Inside Me," an adaptation of the popular Jim Thompson pulp novel helmed by Michael Winterbottom. The long-awaited project had filming postponed, bu...