Controversial Japanese filmmaker Takashi Miike of late seems to have slowed down his ridiculously prolific pace. Just check his IMDB profile and you'll see. The man must love to make movies, but it's welcome to...
We sort of don't get why Neil Marshall gets all kinds of fanboy love; his track record has been spotty at best. But, enthusiasts of the director will be happy to know that he has lined up a new horror film curi...
A repost of our review from the SXSW Film Festival earlier this year...The SXSW Film Festival had been low on surprise screenings, but on Monday, March 15th, a lucky group of about a 150 people — including your...
God, what hath "Se7en" wrought? Even though New Line execs have no idea why the franchise continues to be popular (and really, neither do we), they are readying yet another installment of the horror series for ...