Yesterday it was announced that genre-bending™ director Neil Marshall ("Dog Soldiers," "The Descent," "Doomsday") would be directing "Burst 3D" for Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert's Ghost House Productions, with world...
Guillermo Del Toro has reportedly confirmed that Hugo Weaving, — plus Andy Serkis and Ian McKellen — will be reprising his roles from the "Lord Of The Rings" series for "The Hobbit." Serkis and McKellen aren't...
Can't a good thing be left alone? How about an even just OK thing that's been overestimated? You know the answer.Horror is so poor these days that even a decent flick from the genre becomes labeled as a modern ...
-Is it true? Have the Weinsteins gotten so desperate that they are finally spinning off the most popular scene in their huge flop "Grindhouse?" Whispers around Hollywood suggest the Danny Trejo slice-and-dice...