With shooting already underway in Hawaii, Peter Berg has added a respectable name to join his motley crew cast that currently includes Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgard, pop star Rihanna, Tom Arnold, Hamish...
Even though they contemplated pulling the plug on Peter Berg's $200 million "Battleship," Universal is forging ahead even though, from the outset, this thing has total flop/camp classic written all over it. Whi...
Wow, this is a $200 million dollar flop waiting to happen and perhaps Universal still has time to pull the plug, but the cast for Peter Berg's board game epic "Battleship" keeps getting more and more bizarre.Sp...
Some films we actively dread. Some films we count the days before release for, reporting on every tiny tidbit of news that pops up. And some films, for whatever reason, we can't summon up the energy to feel any...
Pop/R&B artist Rihanna has evidently joined the cast of Peter Berg's imminently in-production board game adaptation, "Battleship."The singer joins Taylor Kitsch and Alexander Skarsgard as the female lead in...
Alexander Skarsgard will star along side fellow television star Taylor Kitsch in Peter Berg's sci-fi adaptation of the Hasbro board game, "Battleship."The film is said to feature an alien invasion plotline and ...
"Move bitch, get out the way, get out the way," is how the Ludacris song goes, no? Maybe we have that on the brain because of the Les Grossman film news.Anyhow, it's an appropriate couplet because it might be t...