A movie about the glamorous world of archiving?We hope there is a bit more to it as Robin Wright is eyeing directing "The Archivist" a film that follows "the United States’ premier archivist, who loses a precio...
"The Social Network" is out in the world, and proving to be perhaps the most universally praised film of David Fincher's career, but we're not sure that the director's noticed, as he's now in Sweden, a few week...
Don't panic true believers. The sky is not falling. This morning a Swedish report making the rounds said Rooney Mara — the lead female in David Fincher's "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" — had "seriously injur...
One of the biggest surprises of last year's awards season was Oren Moverman's "The Messenger," which seemingly came from nowhere to pick up nearly unanimously terrific reviews. While this writer never saw it (a...
Three years after his "Lions For Lambs" directly addressed (with middling results) the current crisis in the Middle East, Robert Redford returns with "The Conspirator." Ostensibly a period piece that investigat...