It’s October, and that means it's the time of year when everyone loves horror movies, even now when horror’s modern mainstream popularity is at a high. So, here's a modest proposal: Stop releasing horror movie...
We are now officially into June and in any normal year, we would have already had about a month’s worth of “summer movies” at the box office. Typically, the first weekend in May (or last weekend in April) is t...
For many of us (though we New Englanders have had to suffer a bit longer) it’s officially Spring, which typically means more time to spend outdoors and less time to spend catching up on films. Considering the ...
A girl tip-toes into a basement. Hesitantly, the camera creeps past withering flowers on the window sill and dolls scattered on the dank, unlit floor. Something's making noises in the world's largest furnace r...