Looks like our intelligence was on the money.In July we reported that F. Gary Gray had bowed out of directing the gestating video game adaptation "Kane & Lynch" starring Jamie Foxx and Bruce Willis and th...
Wayne Kramer hasn't really followed up on the promise suggested by his debut "The Cooler;" an enjoyable, well-acted, if tonally uneven, crime thriller. There's a few pulpy pleasures to be found in follow-up "Ru...
Our interest in "Kane & Lynch" has been pretty much nil, but now that Wayne Kramer is rumored to be in talks to direct the picture we're just gonna go ahead and take a pass on this one.Currently set to sta...
The drama between, "Crossing Over," its director Wayne Kramer, actor Sean Penn and producer Harvey Weinstein will not go away.You'll recall a stink was made in December when Hollywood Elsewhere reported that Se...
We were once taken to task for being unfair and facetiously dismissing the Wayne Kramer film, "Crossing Over." But the diagnosis, frankly didn't look positive. Harvey Weinstein had allegedly (meaning very proba...
Despite its homoerotic title, "I Love You, Man," is not a tale of two men in love. No it's actually a tale of two men in friend. It stars Paul Rudd as a male-challenged pussy who's needs a best man for his wedd...