Tasers, Pills & Boobs: NSFW Trailer For 'Project X'

nullWe’re sure between the Spirit Awards and the Oscars, there is going to be some major partying this weekend in Hollywood, but no matter how crazy it gets, it likely won’t be able to match the sheer insanity of whatever is being cooked up in “Project X.”

A new NSFW televsion spot (through for all intents and purposes, it’s essentially a red band trailer) has landed, giving an uncensored look at the Todd Phillips produced film, and yeah it’s pretty bonkers. Even though the basic set up both in concept and tone is a pretty lazy ripoff of “Superbad” right down to the overly verbally aggressive dude who talks everyone into the plan, we have to admit we still chuckled pretty heartily at this. It’s certainly not pretending to be anything other than what it is: a fully R-rated filth fest that finds room for pills, tasers, dogs, flamethrowers and yes, boobs.

Between commercials director Nima Nourizadeh, “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World” co-writer Michael Bacall and the cast of (mostly) unknowns we don’t know what to expect. But it seems like a night you won’t forget. Watch below. [IGN]