TIFF: For The Love Of It Or The Day We Realized We Were Unhealthily Obsessed

Yeah, for the love of it. It’s all on our dime, no press fanciness or anything. The flights, tix etc. We supposed that’s either admirable or really sad. Probably a bit of both. We just arrived today and worked til 5 am, but somehow we’re still going. We think the reason why a lot of the other bloggers don’t have immediate-ish reports from the days is cause they’re going out to tons of parties, which we’ve been invited to, but since we’re only a one-man operation, we’re thinking of skipping them. We’ll see, we don’t have the greatest physical endurance. Here’s some pics of stuff, we’ve taken in today, which in the scope of things is not really a lot.

Mickey, you’ll forgive us on the images, we had to go high to fit it all. For anyone that cares Toronto is cold and rainy and apparently not really wired for the wireless world if you see some of the other blogs, but we’ve found a choice little hangout on Queen West.