'Towelheads' Respond To Critics That Decry Its "Racist" Title

The scenario studio execs at Warner Independent (RIP) having being dreaming about ever since allowing the name of their newest film to be retitled, “Towelhead,” has finally arrived (the film once changed its name to “Nothing Is Private” in its early days). In opposition to the title, an unnamed Islamic group (interns at Warner) have decided to give the most-likely doomed film of the fall tons of free publicity by protesting its releasge because its nom de plume is a racial slur. Shit, really? Alert the media, no one behind the film is actually aware of this!

But with one afternoon of card-playing by the “minority” creators, they have managed to publicity justify the title, make themselves look like the victims and even give themselves some positive spin while they were at it. The author of the 2005 book of the same name, Alicia Erian, responded to the criticism, stating that, “As an Arab-American woman, I am of course aware that the title of my book is an ethnic slur. Indeed, I selected the title to highlight one of the novel’s major themes: racism. ” She also went on to say that when he book was released three years ago no one had a problem with the title. Well Alicia, because that would require actual umm, reading, and everyone knows that fiction is dead, duh.
Well, that covers the book, but what about the movie title? Couldn’t they have toned it down a bit, people are actually going to see this, right? [ed. cough] No they couldn’t, because the director, Alan Ball (“American Beauty,” “Six Feet Under”), thought it was important to keep the title to embrace the struggle of his people. “As a gay man, I know how it feels to be called hateful names simply because of who I am. Therefore, I felt it was important to retain the title of Alicia Erians novel, in which she so effectively dramatizes the pain inflicted by such language, something many people of non-minority descent never have to face.”
See what you have done selfish protesters? Not only have you attempted to strip this country of its first amendment, you are hurting your own people by requesting the name be brushed under the carpet, and most importantly you have offend the creators, who use this word to embrace their struggle.
This could be seen as a victory for Warner Independent, except for the whole shut down thing and the fact that “Towelhead” didn’t screen even remotely well at last years Toronto International Film Festival. Oh, that and the fact the vile film is rather repugnant and a glib, cheap and facile melange of “provocative” racism, pedophilia and disenfranchised suburban youth. Oh yeah, that too. Mark our words, when this thing gets reviewed it’s going to be roasted by critics.