Trailer For 'Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D' A Reminder Of How Disappointed You Were

You know those light sabres that are like double light sabres? That’s probably the only cool thing we remember from the otherwise pretty bad “Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace,” George Lucas‘ long-awaited space political drama prequel to his “Star Wars” trilogy. It made approximately five bajillion Saturn dollars, or whatever monetary system Scrooge McLucas uses to count his riches, and now it’s coming back. IN 3D. So if you thought Jar Jar Binks was offensively annoying the first time around, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

That’s right, the Lucas money train is gonna keep right on rolling, and all the supposed ex-fans who have cried time and again that this is the last dollar they’ll ever give the man who has ruined the franchise forever will still line up opening day to fork over their money. These are the same people who threatened a boycott over the BluRay edits of the original movies, and then went on to make it the fastest selling title in the format ever. Good work everyone, that’s showing him! Anyway, the trailer for “Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D” has arrived, and if “Excitement!” means a bunch of guys in funny clothing talking about taxation and trade routes….zzzzz….you might have more fun watching the next GOP debate.

“Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D” hits theaters on February 10, 2012. Check out the trailer and poster below.