'The Unborn' Trailer: Funniest Unintentional Thing Since 'Passengers' Trailer

If you haven’t heard of “The Unborn,” don’t get discouraged, because you’re in the majority as are we, because we didn’t have a clue that this film existed until today. From the trailer, all that we could get was that a sexy but reserved babysitter gets hit in the eye with a tea cup by the kid from the “Hancock” trailer. The attack causes her to go to an eye doctor who tells her that her irises are two different colors. The eye doctor tells her that this is mostly common in twins, but she is an only child, or so she thought… She finds out that she had a twin brother who died in the whom and freaky shit starts happening. “By living, you denied him entry in to our world.” Those words are actually spoken in the trailer!

Multiple objects fly through the air without any explanation, because why let an audience know what a film is about when you can just show busty chicks screaming? High points from the trailer are when the “Hancock” kid assaults the girl, when Michael Bay’s name pops up as a producer, every-time Gary Oldman is on screen, when this old man is climbing up stairs on all fours as his head spins in all different directions, Idris Elba beating up the guy from “Never Back Down,” and whenever the little boy who represents the unborn twin pops in to frame.
The movie is written and directed by David S. Goyer, the man who co-wrote “Batman Begins,” but also wrote and directed the film similar to this one, “The Invisible.”
‘Unborn’ comes out January 9th, 2009, which is prime tripe season, so don’t expect anything from this one.