Video Teaser: Serge Gainsbourg 'A Heroic Life' Biopic

Alright, we already gave you a first look at Joann Sfar’s upcoming Gainsbourg biopic, “Vie Heroique” (“A Heroic Life”) starring Eric Elmosnino as Serge Gainsbourg, and Lucy Gordon (who committed suicide earlier this year, RIP) as Jane Birkin and now, a brief video teaser has arrived (former French Supermodel Laetitia Casta also stars as Brigitte Bardot, but she’s not featured in this clip).

There’s been some debate if the film was called, “Je t’Aime Moi Non Plus” — the song that plays in the background here, written by Gainsbourg and sung by the husband and wife duo. It’s also the name of a 1976 film that Gainsbourg directed that’s hard to get your hands on these days through traditional methods, anyone wanna burn us DVD rip? (but actually we’ve found some scenes from the film stitched together below) The “plot” of that thing is hilariously so Gainsbourg (debased, etc.)But it seems pretty damn conclusive from the official site the the film is called, “A Heroic Life,” or “Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life.” The film is set for a February 2010 release in Europe, so let’s hope that means a U.S. release is concurrent or not far behind. [GainsbourgLeFilm/ thanks to World of Kane for the head’s up]