Village Voice Names 'The Master' Best Film Of 2012, 'Cloud Atlas' The Worst Film Of 2012

nullWell, here's some news that will make one group of fanboys really happy, and another group of fanboys really mad. The sands in the hourglass of 2012 continue to run down, and Village Voice has dropped their list of the best and worst movies. And as always, there's plenty to discuss.

While it didn't quite ride the awards circuit the way some might have expected back in August and September, Paul Thomas Anderson's "The Master" is still finding love in some quarters, with the movie topping the vote among critics at New York City's alt-weekly. It leads a list of movies that you would expect to find on a best of 2012 list, perhaps leaning a bit more heavily on the arthouse side of things, hence "The Turin Horse" landing above "Lincoln."

Meanwhile, Time Magazine gets a friend in Village Voice, as they too have named The Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer's "Cloud Atlas" as the worst of the year. And while most lists of this nature tend to gravitate towards easy fodder, the staff at the alt-weekly spare no one, with the beloved "Beasts Of The Southern Wild" making it in the top ten, along with other prestige-y kinds of movies like "Hyde Park On Hudson," "Hitchcock" and "On The Road" also getting a thumbs down.

Give a look at the top ten selection in each category below and hit Village Voice for even more from their 2012 roundup.

Village Voice 10 Best Movies Of 2012

The Master
Zero Dark Thirty
Holy Motors
Moonrise Kingdom
This Is Not a Film
Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
The Turin Horse
The Deep Blue Sea

Village Voice 10 Worst Movies Of 2012

Cloud Atlas
God Bless America
Hyde Park on Hudson
On the Road
What to Expect When You're Expecting
Beasts of the Southern Wild
That's My Boy
Alex Cross