With her story already told through numerous TV and movie adaptations, on the stage and, of course, in the famous book, the story of Anne Frank is still one that captivates and haunts audiences. Her story is a conduit into the experience of Jews during WWII, and it’s still a powerful tale. And while it may seem familiar, given how thoroughly it has been explored already, when Ari Folman becomes involved, our interest is piqued.
After tackling the 1982 invasion of Lebanon in “Waltz With Bashir,” and taking on Hollywood with “The Congress,” Folman’s next gig will be animating the life of Anne Frank in what is being described as a “family-driven film.” Folman will write and direct the currently untitled movie, with full access to the Anne Frank archives with production starting next year. But given how long it took to bring his partially animated “The Congress” to screens, we’d reckon the final product on this is still a couple of years away.
Still, it’ll be interesting to see how Folman approaches this visually given that he tends to favor pushing the envelope, and we’re just as curious to see who will wind up in the cast. [Deadline]