WarnerMedia CEO Shoots Down More Snyderverse DC Films & Says No Ayer Cut Of ‘Suicide Squad’ Is Coming

Do you remember that scene in “Dumb and Dumber” when Jim Carrey’s character asks if there is any chance he might have of dating the beautiful girl? She tells him “one out of a million” and he replies, “So, you’re telling me there’s a chance…” That’s what it feels like when you see responses from Zack Snyder fans when they see more and more interviews with WarnerMedia executives basically saying there is no more “Justice League” films coming. They don’t 100% definitively rule it out…therefore, there’s a chance, right? Well, WarnerMedia CEO Ann Sarnoff continues to deny more Zack Snyder DC superhero films are in the works, but we’re going to guess her response isn’t going to be enough to silence his fans.

Speaking to Variety, Sarnoff is asked pretty point-blank what the odds are of more Zack Snyder-led DC superhero films in the future. And as any good CEO would do, she answers by not really answering and, instead, talks about the variety of other projects in the works right now.

“We’re always going to listen to our fans, but we are in service of the broadest fanbase and we owe them an integrated, holistic strategy,” she explained. “We are the shepherds of the franchise and hopefully, when the fans see what we’ve got in store they’ll know that DC is in good hands across many different platforms with many different creators. We want different voices in the mix.”

Sarnoff continued, “For certain fans that want singular voices, they may be disappointed, but we would ask them to be patient and see what we’ve got in store because perhaps the newer voices in the mix will have just as compelling stories to tell. On balance, you of course want to listen to your fans, but we do want to stay true to our vision and our mission for DC and build that out.”

Again, so you’re saying…there’s a chance? Well, not really.

“I appreciate that they love Zack’s work and we are very thankful for his many contributions to DC,” the executive added. “We’re just so happy that he could bring his cut of the ‘Justice League’ to life because that wasn’t in the plan until about a year ago. With that comes the completion of his trilogy. We’re very happy we’ve done this, but we’re very excited about the plans we have for all the multi-dimensional DC characters that are being developed right now.”

Obviously, to most people, this sounds like a very diplomatic and sensible way to say, “thanks but we’re moving on.” But since WarnerMedia backed down and released the Snyder Cut after the overwhelming social media campaign that lasted several years, until the door is 100% shut on this idea, people will fight for it.

One thing Sarnoff will shut the door on is the re-release of David Ayer’s original vision for “Suicide Squad.” When asked about that, she simply replied, “We won’t be developing David Ayer’s cut.”

Well, okay then.