Warwick Davis aka Wicket Returns For 'Star Wars: Episode 7'

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the JediWith Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and that guy who plays Chewbacca all returning for "Star Wars: Episode 7," yet another franchise veteran has joined the film’s cast.

Warwick Davis, perhaps best known for playing Wicket in "Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi," "The Ewok Adventure" and "Ewoks: The Battle For Endor" has announced he’s joined the gang for ‘Episode 7.’ Of course, his role isn’t being disclosed and one shouldn’t immediately assume he’s reprising his turn as Wicket. He did make a brief appearance in "Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace" as Wald, the childhood friend of Anakin Skywalker who helped build his podracer. So hey, maybe we’ll see that character back in the movie for some reason. But given the way the nostalgia winds are blowing so far, we would not be entirely shocked if Wicket for whatever reason reappears. Why? Well, my cynical but not entirely unreasonable answer is: toys. You know, for kids.

"Star Wars: Episode 7" is three weeks away from production wrapping and rampant speculation is continuing unabated. See you on December 18, 2015. Watch Davis’ announcement below.