Watch: 2 Featurettes & 2 TV Spots For 'The Lone Ranger' Plus Over 20 New Photos

Depp, The Lone RangerThe Lone Ranger” is coming down the tracks like a runaway train. In fact, from the mass of trailers, TV spots and featurettes now upon us, it would be easy to get the impression that Gore Verbinksi‘s forthcoming mega-western is basically a violent, live action “Thomas The Tank Engine”. Which would be no bad thing.

But no! “The Lone Ranger” is about justice and revenge and stuff! And also corsets, and lassos, and Johnny Depp with crow wings on his head, speaking broken English with a vague accent! Is that awkward? Also there is Armie Hammer, who played twins in “The Social Network” but is actually only one person! There’s gunplay, and explosions, and horses, and masks! It will inevitably be described as “high-octane”! Wait, did steam-trains even run on octane?

“The Lone Ranger” has become a magnet for nay-sayers, some of them on this very site. The words “John” and “Carter” have been thrown around. It has been pointed out that no-one really makes westerns anymore, or at least not blockbuster summer westerns (Oscar-season, director-driven westerns like “Django Unchained” or “True Grit” are a somewhat different story). But ten years ago, everyone was saying the very same thing about pirate movies, and then Gore Verbinski got Johnny Depp to do a silly accent, cast a handsome unknown as his straight man, and made a bazillion dollars. So really, we don’t know what’s going to happen. Early reaction has been inconclusive and people’s minds have been focused on other movies, but after “Man of Steel” hits, “The Lone Ranger” is going to be the next big thing, and you need to be ready. We hope you like trains.

“The Lone Ranger” is out July 3rd. Until then, check out the TV spots, making-ofs (the movie sure was clearly a hell of a lot of fun to make, at least) and the soundtrack details.

The Lone Ranger, Armie HammerThe Lone Ranger,The Lone Ranger, The Lone Ranger, William FichtnerThe Lone Ranger, Ruth WilsonThe Lone Ranger, Armie HammerThe Lone Ranger, Barry PepperThe Lone Ranger, Helena Bonham CarterThe Lone Ranger, Helena Bonham CarterThe Lone Ranger, Tom WilkinsonThe Lone Ranger, skipThe Lone RangerThe Lone Ranger, skipThe Lone RangerThe Lone RangerThe Lone RangerThe Lone RangerThe Lone RangerThe Lone RangerThe Lone Ranger, Helena Bonham Carter