Watch: 2 New Red Band Trailers For 'Neighbors' Starring Seth Rogen & Zac Efron Rock The House


While Seth Rogen and Zac Efron are the two promoted stars of “Neighbors,” and get the bulk of the screentime in this new, lengthy red band trailer for the comedy, by all accounts it’s the perpetually underrated Rose Byrne who walks away with the biggest laughs. In our review of the movie out of SXSW, our own Drew Taylor noted, “she nearly steals the entire movie, and certainly gets the surprise comedy MVP award.” And it’s good thing the rest of the movie looks like a lot of fun too.

The premise of this one is pretty simple: a young family moves into their new home, only discover they’ve got a frat house as neighbors. And it isn’t long before a war erupts between the two sides and all hell breaks loose. And it looks like it’s really just an excuse for one antic fuelled adventure after another, and that’s fine by us if the laughs are frequent and big, and given the buzz out of Austin on this one, it certainly seems to be the case. Are we looking at the first big comedy hit of the summer?

“Neighbors” opens on May 9th. Check out the U.K. and U.S. red band trailers below. [Live For Films]