It’s been nearly a month since the fifth season finale of “Game of Thrones” and as the internet continues to speculate on the ultimate fate of one of the show’s major characters, a new video has surfaced that breaks down the effects work done in one of the earlier highlights of the season.
READ MORE: Watch: 14-Minutes Of Featurettes Explore ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 5 Finale
Last week the Spanish visual effects company El Ranchito Imagen Digital posted a VFX breakdown reel of their work on the thrilling White Walker/wight battle in “Hardhome.” Unlike the breakdowns for David Fincher’s films, the joy in this reel isn’t the surprise of how much CG work was involved but rather how the filmmakers and visual effects artists were able to successfully blend physical elements with digital elements in a wholly convincing way that’s usually reserved for the big screen.
The reel’s a great look at what it takes to create the great moments that make the show such a cultural juggernaut. In fact, it even inspires to rewatch the episode. Watch the “Hardhome” VFX breakdown below.