Watch: All The Words From 'Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope' In Alphabetical Order In 45 Minutes

Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope

There are things in life you didn’t know you needed until you have them, and then suddenly you can’t live without them. A 40-minute YouTube video of very word spoken in “Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope” rearranged alphabetically… is not one of those things. But the internet is one of those things (not that you remember a time before it, probably, you whippersnapper), and it is the thing that brings us things we don’t need at all but turn out to be really great. Like, say, a 40-minute Youtube video of very word spoken in “Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope” rearranged alphabetically. Which is amazing.

Not content with just rearranging the film in this manner (and cutting the 80+ minutes that don’t feature words—and it’d be interesting to see the words/not-words ratio of various films), certifiably, inspiredly mad YouTuber suckerpinch has also labeled all the words, added a counter of how many times each word is said, and graphed the frequency of each word along the bottom of the video. Why? Do, or do not, Luke: there is no why. (Not true – there are 11 of them).

What’s your favorite moment? Is it everyone very indecisively saying “well…” one after another? Is it the sudden moments when long words like “ambassador!” jump out of the rapid-fire pronouns and conjunctions? Is it the oddly large number of times the word “all” is used? Is it the single use of the word “lightsaber”? Is it the existence of this video in the first place? Yes, it is. [Huffington Post]