Watch: Baz Luhrmann's Chanel No. 5 Short Film "The One That I Want" Starring Gisele Bündchen

Gisele Bündchen The One I WantNobody does high-grade gloss quite like Baz Luhrmann. Dude can make a set decorated by a glitter cannon look positively cinematic. And so he’s the perfect choice to direct an expensive looking, but pretty empty perfume commercial. So sit back and get ready for three vapid minutes of beautiful people and things.

Chanel has unveiled "The One That I Want," a short film for their iconic Chanel No. 5 starring model Gisele Bündchen, along with Michiel Huisman and Lo-Fang, the latter of whom also performs the film’s song, "You’re The One That I Want." Subtle. Anyway, the story revolves around a really beautiful woman and a very handsome man who are very pained by their throbbing desire for one another but who eventually find a way to be together, even though the guy could’ve just waited for the girl to stop surfing before he drove away.

But we will way the use of color here is pretty terrific (particularly the blues), and hey look, a Baz Luhrmann cameo! Watch below along with more featurettes than you ever thought possible for a short film.