Watch: Bruce McDonald Directed Video For "Brutal Hearts" By Bedouin Soundclash Ft. Coeur De Pirate

nullThere are few other directors — Canadian or otherwise — to whom music plays such a key ingredient in their work than Bruce McDonald. Joining the select ranks of folks like Cameron Crowe, Wes Anderson and Quentin Tarantino (though with an much more mixed output) McDonald's films are as identifiable by their musical milieu as they are by anything else. And lately, he's been rocking it pretty hard. In 2010, the ever prolific director delivered three movies: the prison centered documentary "Music From The Big House"; the Broken Social Scene powered concert film/romance "This Movie Is Broken" and the rock 'n roll reunion tale "Trigger." Heading into this year, McDonald didn't stop, with "Hard Core Logo 2" a sequel of sorts to his cult classic hitting theaters as well as the short film "A Love Supreme" whose title should be famililar to any music fan. But that's not all.

McDonald has ventured behind the camera for "Brutal Hearts," the new single by inoffensive Can-rockers Bedouin Soundclash (perhaps best known for their tune "When The Night Feels My Song") who have paired up with rising Montreal based singer/songwriter Coeur De Pirate. (Yes, this is all very Canadian). Shot on location in and around Toronto's Kensington Market, the production brought forth enough material for two videos, both debuted on Spinner. Both give off a French New Wave vibe in the song described by Bedouin Soundclash frontman Jay Malinowski as an "anti-hero love song." The first video is centered around Malinowski and his former girlfriend Beatrice Martin (aka Coeur De Pirate). The second video features The Other Guys In The Band. And they both go for a lo-fi, black-and-white aesthetic which is interesting, though not particularly memorable.

Anyway, you can check 'em out below and if you like what you hear, you can pick up Bedouin Soundclash's last album Light The Horizon which features the song. Coeur De Pirate is currently supporting her recently released album Blonde.