Holy hell, has it really been twenty-five years since everyone stood up triumphantly on their desks saying "O captain! My captain!" and we all cried when Neil committed suicide in "Dead Poets Society"? Time really flies, but here’s a capsule from the era that’s well worth looking at for fans of the movie.
Moviemaker Magazine has dug up a really vintage and interesting piece of footage circa filming of Peter Weir‘s movie. A travelogue of sorts, it finds Robert Sean Leonard, Ethan Hawke, Dylan Kussman, Josh Charles, Gale Hansen, James Waterston and Allelon Ruggiero heading into New York City, where they were all (except two of them) auditioning for the forgotten Ted Danson/Jack Lemmon vehicle "Dad" (Hawke would eventually win the role, fyi). And it’s a travelogue of sorts, of a bunch of very young, rising actors hanging out together and having the time of their lives.
“Allelon Ruggiero had this footage buried in a closet for a quarter century,” Kussman told the magazine. “He found it, I cut it together, added music by Buttercup and Joe Kraemer, and we ended up with sort of a miniature time capsule—a single day in the middle of a very brief and inspiring time for all of us. I hope it conveys even a trace of how much fun we were having together that winter of 1988.” Watch below.