Warner Bros. has found an easy way to make everyone forget the early talk of a troubled production, and rumors of bad blood between Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron while making "Mad Max: Fury Road" — deliver kick ass trailers. And undoubtedly, George Miller‘s movie looks like a monster, a summer blockbuster unlike anything else we’re going to see at the multiplex. So sit back and have your eyeballs melted again with another new promo.
This one comes from Japan, and is more or less a condensed version of the theatrical trailer. It is also still very awesome. All you need to know about this entry into the franchise is that it features our hero, Mad Max, teaming with Imperator Furiosa to battle Immortan Joe across a hellish landscape that goes from sunbaked to apocalyptic.
"Mad Max: Fury Road" shifts gears on May 15th. Watch below.