Watch: First Clip From 'X-Men: First Class' Has Charles Xavier Convincing The CIA Mutants Exist

The 20th Century Fox marketing machine keeps churning hard for “X-Men: First Class” with multiple trailers and television spots to the point where we’re a bit surprised some superfan hasn’t cut together a mega trailer yet with all the footage. But we digress. A new full scene from the film has now landed, and any fears of a leaden tone as evinced by the recent character trailers have been quickly allayed.

The clip shows Charles Xavier sitting in a meeting with the CIA trying to convince them about the existence of mutants and we’ll let you enjoy what happens next. But overall, we really dug this scene and we hope it’s a sign that the rest of the film takes on the comics with a straightforward, even hand. The period set and costumes look particularly strong as do the performances and….oh look! It’s William Stryker.

“X-Men: First Class” — in case you aren’t already aware — opens on June 3rd. Scene below.