With five pictures under their belt, it might be safe to say that director Arnaud Desplechin and actor Mathieu Amalric are France’s Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro. But where that pair haven’t worked together in a couple of decades, Desplechin and Amalric are back together in the upcoming "Trois souvenirs de ma jeunesse" (AKA "My Golden Years"), and the first international trailer and images for the movie have arrived.
Previously known as "Nos Arcadies," the film is actually a prequel to 1996’s “My Sex Life … or How I Got Into an Argument,” with Almaric reprising his role as Paul Dedalus, with the character reflecting back on his childhood and teenage memories. Quentin Dolmaire and Lou Roy-Lecollinet play the younger versions of Paul in this film which is highly expected to land a spot at the Cannes Film Festival.
"Trois souvenirs de ma jeunesse" opens in France on May 20th. No U.S. distribution has arrived just yet. Watch below. [Telerama]