What’s in a name? Well, according to the internet, quite a bit. When it was announced yesterday that the highly anticipated next chapter in the "Star Wars" series will be titled "The Force Awakens," a flurry of opinions flew around the Twittersphere. But let’s face it, the "Star Wars" sequel titles have never been all that inventive, and at the end of the day, J.J. Abrams could’ve called it "Star Wars: Episode VII—Wookie Blanket Bingo Party" and there would still be lines around the block. However, "The Force Awakens" has already been taken. Kind of.
Eight years ago, Canadian Dan Lalonde made his own fan movie, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," and made it available online for free. Clearly, Lucasfilm didn’t know about it’s existence, but we’re sure there are a few big sighs around their office today. As for for Lalonde, it’s a happy coincidence. “My movie is kind of crappy, to be honest, which makes it even more funny,” he told Yahoo Movies. “It is pretty awesome, though, to have come up with the title.”
We’re not sure Abrams or Disney thinks it’s "awesome" but they’ll have to live with it. As for Lalonde’s 50-minute ‘Force Awakens,’ you can watch the trailer below. And well…it speaks for itself….