Watch: First Trailer For Berlin Sensation '71' Led By Rising Star Jack O'Connell

'71 Jack O'ConnellDon’t forget the name Jack O’Connell. You’ll be hearing it a lot very soon, particularly during the awards season when he leads Angelina Jolie‘s "Unbroken." Regular Playlist readers know we’ve sung his praises following his performance in the prison drama "Starred Up," and he turned our heads again at the Berlin Film Festival with a lead role in "’71." There’s a good reason he’s on our On The Rise 2014: 12 Actors To Watch list, and now a trailer has arrived for the latter film.

Directed by Yann Demange, the film tells the story of a British soldier left behind in the gritty street battles of Belfast in 1971. The movie is terrific, with Jessica Kiang calling it in her review a story "negotiated with real intelligence and sensitivity."

Roadside Attractions has the U.S. rights, but no release date has been set just yet. "’71" opens in the U.K. on October 10th. [The Guardian]