On Saturday at the Toronto International Film Festival, the newest film from writer/director Richard Ayoade (as opposed to the newest film from actor Richard Ayoade who was in the abysmal Ben Stiller comedy “The Watch“) premieres. Based on the Fyodor Dostoyevsky novella “The Double,” it stars Jesse Eisenberg, who is presumably driven insane by the appearance of an eerie doppelganger. Wouldn’t you know it, now there’s a debut trailer too (courtesy of The Guardian).
The brief but moody trailer features Eisenberg walking around in an ill-fitting suit through all sorts of extreme lighting situations while glimpses of the movie and his costars (including Mia Wasikowska, Wallace Shawn and Noah Taylor) flash around him. The clip, instead of featuring dialogue, is backed by some kind of bluesy old song (we’re not going to pretend to know what it is and it would probably break Shazam trying to figure it out). Watch it below.
Ayoade’s last film, “Submarine,” was a charming coming-of-age comedy that was hampered somewhat by the debt it paid stylistically to Wes Anderson, and besides one suspicious snap zoom, it looks like the director is carving out his own visual niche with this one. Look for our review of “The Double” very, very soon.