Watch: Honest Trailer For '300' Arrives Before The Release Of The Unnecessary Sequel Set On A Boat


“This is Sparta!” was the shout heard in cineplexes around the world in 2006 when Zack Snyder and dozens of buffed, bronzed and oiled dudes arrived with “300.” The movie was a massive hit, bringing in over $400 million worldwide, and spawned Hollywood’s infatuation with CGI and barechested men in movies (“Immortals,” “Pompeii,” “The Legend Of Hercules,” etc.). And now with the “300: Rise Of An Empire” coming, ScreenJunkies is looking back at the movie that started it all.

The honest trailer is here for “300,” and as always, it’s a playful poke at a very silly movie that takes itself very seriously. From the slow-motion to the ninja moves to the random creatures to the film’s homoeroticism, it’s all here and it’s all skewered in good fun. 

So take a spin below and see how excited you still are for ‘Rise Of An Empire’ when it arrives on March 7th.