Watch: Honest Trailer For 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' Shows Off Super Gymnastics

Captain America: The Winter SoldierIn 2014, the first big comic book movie out of the gate was "Captain America: The Winter Soldier." Marvel zombies flipped their lids when it arrived in theaters, giving the film the same kind of raving praise that would greet "Guardians Of The Galaxy" a few months later. But now? Time for nitpicking!

Screen Junkies has dropped an Honest Trailer for ‘Winter Soldier’ and gets right down to business, reminding everyone that "Captain America: The First Avenger" wasn’t exactly universally beloved, and was accepted into the Marvel family with a shrug. This video brings up minor quibbles and raises good points, such as the fact that Hydra appears therein without being established in any other Marvel Universe movies.

Anyway, watch below. "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" arrives on home video on September 9th.