Watch: Jean Dujardin Launches His Own Brand Of Cigarettes & Uggie Stars In Nintendo 3DS Ad

nullThe Academy Awards may be over and "The Artist" is fading into memory, but the film's Oscar-winning star Jean Dujardin and his onscreen sidekick Uggie aren't going away anytime soon.

While the French thespian is still working on mastering the English language, the folks over at Funny Or Die have been utilitizing his limited range and dashing good looks with tremendously funny results. First, there was the great audition tape he made for every villain role in Hollywood, and now they're presenting his latest endeavor: his own brand of cigarettes. It's a pretty fun and very funny little spot, riffing on cigarette ads of old and best of all, when smoking Dujardins, "There is no forseeable downside."

Meanwhile, the pint-sized Uggie has broken the reports of his impending retirement by doing an ad for Nintendo 3DS. And while it's nice to see the little fella back in front of camera, you kind of feel whoever did this campaign totally dropped the ball. Essentially, Uggie just barks for the whole thing. Oh, he does shake a paw and kind of do a fist bump, so that's sorta cute. But none of the charm that made him so winning in "The Artist" is seen here. Kind of a bummer really, but if you need a little more Uggie in your life, it'll do. Watch both below. [FunnyOrDie/THR]