Watch: Koba Is Dangerously Playful In Clip From 'Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes'

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,

Sure, the goal of all sequels is to make things bigger, badder and better than the previous movie, but that doesn’t always necessarily mean smarter too. And in the case of “Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes,” it seems the filmmakers are bringing some real intensity to the followup that continues to look more promising with each passing moment.

A new clip has arrived, and while it’s probably more spoilery than we’d like, it’s pretty gritty stuff. The scene focuses on Koba, an ape you might remember from the close of “Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes,” the one who kills David Oyelowo‘s Steven Jacobs. Well, as you’ll see here, he’s back and meaner than ever, and his compassion for humans—which was never strong to start with, given that Koba was a test ape his whole life—is perhaps even less so now. You will see dead people.

“Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes” arrives on July 11th. Watch below.