Watch: LexCorp Wants To Build A Better Tomorrow In New 'Batman V Superman' Viral Video

Batman v Superman: Dawn Of JusticeAt the moment, it’s not Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent getting the promotional shine for "Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice," it’s Lex Luthor. The character recently sat down for a Fortune interview, where he promised a new piece of wizardry that would do more to protect than Earth than those caped superheroes.

"Handouts don’t change the world. The true gift of LexCorp is our products. We are on the cusp of unveiling a technology that will change the world forever," Luthor said. "It’s about safety. This is a product that will protect you, and everyone, from threats you don’t even know about yet. I don’t want to scare anybody… much. But there are a lot of threats out there, and they’re here today."

READ MORE: ‘Batman v Superman’ And Why Early Screening Reports Need To Be Taken With A Grain Of Kryptonite

And so today comes a viral video announcing the release of Lex/OS. There’s no real footage here, but it’s a pretty good approximation of the sort of big, empty release videos tech companies love to put online. What exactly Lex/OS does isn’t clear, but it seems they want everyone to download it. Just remember what happened in "Terminator Genisys" with Skynet folks….

"Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice" opens on March 25, 2016. [Screen Relish]