Watch: Linear, Full Length Re-Cut Of Darren Aronofsky's 'The Fountain'

nullWhen last year brought “Noah,” a spiritual and special effects-laden Darren Aronofsky film with its own companion graphic novel (produced since Aronofsky wasn’t sure the film would ever come to fruition), fans of the director had a feeling of deja vu. Eight years earlier, he had made The Fountain, a similarly spiritual film running over with special effects and accompanied by a companion graphic novel. Although the film’s 10th anniversary is next year, maybe it’s not too early for another look at Aronofsky’s troubled third film, this time in a way you’ve never seen before.

The folks over at The Film Stage (via Reddit) have found a new fan edit of the film by Paul Herrin. Based on Aronofsky’s graphic novel with Kent Williams, this recut version dumps the non-linear storytelling and puts all the elements in mostly chronological order. If you need a refresher, Aronofsky’s film tells three stories, two of which star  Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz and which takes place in the 1550s, 2005 and 2500.

Watch the “remixed” version of Aronofsky’s “The Fountain” below and pick up the proper cut in a store near you.