Watch: Martin Scorsese Presents The U.S. Trailer & Poster For Ben Wheatley's 'A Field In England'


Since 2011, Ben Wheatley has been working at a ridiculous pace, with three feature films under his belt (“Kill List,” “Sightseers” and “A Field In England“), a segment in the horror anthology “The ABCs Of Death,” and a handful of other films in the pipeline. And while he’s earned adulation from critics, festival audiences and the cult crowd, the name of the latest booster likely made Wheatley’s day a little better.

None other than Martin Scorsese has lent his name to the U.S. trailer and poster for “A Field In England.” Wheatley’s latest is a black-and-white, drugged out, mind fuck that follows three deserters of the English Civil War in 1648 who basically trip on mushrooms and look for buried treasure. And combined with old timey argot, paranoid visions and more, it’s entirely appropriate that the poster design by Jay Shaw makes no shame in evoking Alejandro Jodorowsky.

“A Field In England” opens in limited release and on VOD starting February 7th. Trailer and poster below.

A Field In England Poster