Are you ready to break bad one more time? It’s been an insane ride filled with murder, drugs, betrayal, and gut-wrenching drama. Just where are we going to get our weekly dose of debauchery when “Breaking Bad” is all over?
During San Diego Comic-Con, AMC released a countdown trailer which featured a “greatest hits” montage of the past five years. From Walter White’s cancer diagnosis to the mayhem of the past few episodes, the trailer below captures Walter’s steady decline into madness and violence. It’s also a great way to catch up if you don’t want to watch the past few seasons of “Breaking Bad” and just want to jump into the final episodes (or you can check out this even longer, nine-minute recap). But why would you want to deprive yourself of such great moments as roof pizza? Just watch the whole series! You have a few more weeks before it all comes to an end.
The final season of AMC’s “Breaking Bad” debuts on Sunday August 11th at 9PM. [Deadline]