Watch: New Trailer For 'Jack The Giant Slayer' Presents The Most Extreme Fairy Tale Ever

nullSo, just how in your face is "Jack The Giant Slayer"? The latest trailer for the movie uses none other than the extreme rockin' stylings of Deftones to let you know this ain't your mama's fairy tale movie. Boom!

There are really two questions here: does anyone want a jacked up version of "Jack & The Beanstalk"? And secondly, is Nicholas Hoult a bonafide star now? As the young actor did help open "Warm Bodies" at number one, the debate is to whether it was the concept or talent that enticed ticket buyers. And sure, he's in those new "X-Men" movies, but as part of an ensemble. So really, this is his first time leading a major tentpole (though again, sold more on concept than anyting else) so we'll see how it afffects his clout.

As for that concept…this all kind of feels a bit uninspired. The entire effort in this latest trailer kind of feels like a bunch of leftover and unused creature designs from "Lord Of The Rings" with lots of CGI worlds and backdrops that don't feel all that inviting, and perhaps less so in 3D. Shrug? We've seen the giant monsters stomping around scooping people up, and medeival castles and what not. Maybe we should just stay home and watch "Game Of Thrones" instead.

Anyway, "Jack The Giant Slayer" opens on March 1st, one week before "Oz The Great And Powerful" so you won't be short revisionist stories in March. Watch below.