Watch: New Trailer For 'Spy Kids: All The Time In The World' Demonstrates Aroma-Scope, Still Stinks

With everyone and their mums shooting films in 3D these days, Robert Rodriguez, one of the first filmmakers to use the format, is going the extra mile for his re-boot/sequel to his family franchise, “Spy Kids: All The Time In The World” — the film was promised to be in ‘4D,’ and it emerged that that meant that film would be presented in Aroma-Scope, a new take on the Smell-O-Vision concept, not seen since John Waters used it on “Polyester,” with scratch’n’sniff cards being given to audience members, with on-screen prompts enabling them to smell exactly what the audience are smelling.

A new trailer has landed for the film over at Yahoo, with literal demonstrations of both the 3D and the Aroma-Scope, sure to make kids get the message. Otherwise, things are much the same as the first clip: plenty of relatively low-budget action, plenty of gags for the kids, a hint of Billy Ray Piven, the film’s villain, and Joel McHale wishing he was anywhere else but on set. But again, it’s not for us, and we’re sure kids will eat up the novelty aspects, and the Ricky Gervais-voiced kung-fu robot dog. And we have to confess, we did laugh at Jessica Alba‘s first line.

As for Aroma-Scope, it’s worth remembering that Rodriguez was way ahead of the curve: by the time “Avatar 3” rolls around in 2015, maybe James Cameron will have sunk millions into a premium version of the technology, and then 2017 will see every tentpole using some kind of smell technology? Or not. “Spy Kids: All The Time In The World” hits theaters on August 19th: watch the trailer below, or in HD over at Yahoo.